Gesamtwertung -
Ironman Western Australia 2019

Ges Sex Ak Name # AK
966 785 128 Ichiba Hiroki878 M40-44 Japan 01:46:5606:30:1106:02:0614:52:53
967 786 98 Neil Hall1216 M50-54 Australia 01:27:5606:23:5106:47:4214:53:41
968 182 21 Karen McCulloch435 F50-54 Australia 01:33:2607:00:5006:05:2314:53:46
969 787 99 Chee Keong Yeo1284 M50-54 Singapore 01:23:1007:07:2305:50:5214:54:04
970 788 149 Yogesh Dhane677 M35-39 India 01:31:1006:50:3406:12:1714:55:35
971 183 22 Sally Horton1293 F50-54 United Kingdom 01:23:0507:21:2405:49:0414:55:40
972 789 100 Christof Frohs1209 M50-54 Germany 01:24:1306:49:0006:14:4214:55:51
973 790 153 Hong Huang1064 M45-49 China 01:53:0806:34:2106:08:0014:56:05
974 791 101 Li Cai1194 M50-54 United States 01:45:3707:18:0005:31:5214:56:27
975 184 42 Rachel Taylor243 F40-44 United States 01:27:0807:12:2606:06:5714:56:52
976 185 23 Trudi Cairns408 F50-54 Australia 01:16:2007:19:3006:04:4314:57:04
977 186 33 Tanya Davenport807 F35-39 Australia 01:17:2507:09:3606:07:0414:57:41
978 792 154 Karl Gould1054 M45-49 United Kingdom 01:17:0607:14:3306:01:3314:58:00
979 187 43 Rose Byass974 F40-44 Australia 01:28:2806:57:2706:18:4414:58:00
980 793 102 Kenichi Hase1219 M50-54 Japan 01:25:2307:10:5605:52:0814:58:03
981 794 91 Muhammad Hazali Hamid569 M30-34 Singapore 01:39:1406:44:3506:08:2914:58:17
982 795 92 Zarie Rahmat606 M30-34 Singapore 01:52:1306:33:1406:08:2814:58:18
983 796 47 Tsunetaka Sakamoto1339 M55-59 Japan 01:35:2106:49:5606:09:0714:58:27
984 797 103 Michael Hull1224 M50-54 Australia 01:10:1306:43:3106:51:4614:58:31
985 188 7 Chun Jung1430 F55-59 Korea Republic of 01:35:2707:14:0405:44:0614:59:03
986 798 104 Masato Kamimura1227 M50-54 Japan 01:26:3607:07:4905:51:1614:59:16
987 799 150 Kieran Rowland757 M35-39 New Zealand 01:18:5706:44:5706:22:2715:01:07
988 800 18 Hironobu Nakano1384 M60-64 Japan 01:34:4507:13:4005:50:4915:01:25
989 189 34 Antonia Hazlerigg810 F35-39 United Kingdom 01:28:0907:30:4105:49:4015:02:08
990 190 16 Andrea Mrsa536 F25-29 Australia 01:07:3906:35:1806:59:5815:02:19
991 801 93 Trongcuong Nguyen597 M30-34 VietNam 01:57:1806:42:1305:55:4915:02:28
992 802 155 Kim Hyunwoo1066 M45-49 Korea Republic of 01:32:4606:58:1406:09:4715:03:48
993 803 48 Dominique Ravily1337 M55-59 Reunion 01:15:4806:05:5707:15:5915:04:00
994 804 156 Allan Julius Azcueta1010 M45-49 Philippines 02:17:5907:06:5505:12:2015:04:12
995 805 151 Matthew Boyce661 M35-39 Australia 01:27:5806:55:0906:18:0015:04:33
996 806 157 Sam Lai1082 M45-49 Canada 01:29:2807:37:0405:35:5015:04:52
997 807 129 Scott Rastall1439 M40-44 Australia 01:10:4407:36:0105:28:1615:05:09
998 191 7 Audena Rodriguez Hernando463 F18-24 Spain 01:22:5507:31:4905:57:5115:05:24
999 808 130 Tay Yong Kiat964 M40-44 Singapore 01:26:4506:00:4607:17:1215:06:47
1000 192 35 Andrea Taft830 F35-39 Australia 01:28:2207:10:0506:07:5515:07:31
1001 809 158 Gunnar Eriksson1048 M45-49 Australia 01:24:4807:11:5506:08:2715:07:37
1002 810 69 Will Chan472 M25-29 Hong Kong 01:25:1107:39:3105:39:3015:07:44
1003 811 94 John Cooke547 M30-34 Australia 01:21:0007:11:1006:17:3815:08:55
1004 193 44 Maiko Kaneko984 F40-44 Japan 01:34:2506:57:4406:17:3015:09:08
1005 194 45 Anne-Marie Bennett972 F40-44 Australia 00:45:4707:14:1406:56:4715:09:09
1006 812 105 Joseph Dilegge1205 M50-54 Australia 01:27:5307:13:2606:09:3215:10:02
1007 813 49 Dave Arnold1306 M55-59 New Zealand 01:23:1806:38:5006:53:2715:10:08
1008 195 46 Angela Keyt985 F40-44 Australia 01:22:3007:21:2406:00:1015:10:32
1009 814 95 Kishor Ghumare563 M30-34 India 01:52:4006:46:2006:09:3115:11:21
1010 815 70 Ronald Ang465 M25-29 Singapore 01:23:3107:23:5105:54:5215:11:38
1011 816 96 Anderson Tjitra620 M30-34 Australia 01:28:1806:49:4706:32:3715:11:50
1012 817 152 Karl Smith762 M35-39 United Kingdom 01:22:3906:46:2606:44:2015:11:51
1013 196 36 Ayako Sugimura834 F35-39 Japan 01:39:5307:06:4506:00:5715:12:37
1014 818 159 Andrew Arrowsmith427 M45-49 Australia 01:13:0006:11:3207:21:5815:12:57
1015 819 106 Takaya Ono1251 M50-54 Japan 01:27:5306:13:1007:02:0915:13:07


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