Raul Sosa -
Ironman Florida 2016
Quick facts
M 55-59Age group
200Bib number
1:13:42 | 5:19:56 | 4:49:17 | 11:34:07 |
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200 Sosa
2938 Lander ×
446 Vergara ×
2948 Mendez ×
2933 Karalis ×
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Discipline | Segment | Total Time | Time | Speed | Comp. to AG ? | to Gender ? | to All ? |
Swim | 3.8 km | 01:13:42 | 01:13:42 | 01:54 min/100m | -16:50 (15.) ● | -13:08 (258.) ● | -14:41 (309.) ● |
Transition | 01:19:37 | 00:05:55 | - | -06:03 (2.) ● | -04:50 (173.) ● | -04:49 (201.) ● | |
Bike | 180.2 km | 06:39:33 | 05:19:56 | 33.8 km/h | -01:05:24 (3.) ● | -52:07 (175.) ● | -58:47 (182.) ● |
Transition | 06:44:50 | 00:05:17 | - | -04:50 (12.) ● | -03:44 (301.) ● | -03:42 (370.) ● | |
Run | 42.2 km | 11:34:07 | 04:49:17 | 06:51 min/km | -50:35 (21.) ● | -27:04 (557.) ● | -29:18 (681.) ● |
Total | 140.6 km | 11:34:07 | 11:34:07 | 19.56 km/h | -02:23:42 (9.) ● | -01:40:53 (317.) ● | -01:51:17 (366.) ● |

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