Shaun Mcintosh -
Ironman Louisville 2016
Quick facts
M 35-39Age group
1872Bib number
1:16:39 | 1:16:39 | 11:11:55 | 11:11:55 |
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1872 Mcintosh
251 Tranquilli ×
242 Holsopple ×
1734 Blane ×
1790 Gohman ×
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Discipline | Segment | Total Time | Time | Speed | Comp. to AG ? | to Gender ? | to All ? |
Swim | 3.8 km | 01:16:39 | 01:16:39 | 01:59 min/100m | +02:20 (188.) ● | +01:27 (1058.) ● | +00:58 (1383.) ● |
Transition | 00:00:00 | 00:00:00 | - | - | - | - | |
Bike | 180.2 km | 01:16:39 | 01:16:39 | 141.09 km/h | -04:55:19 (.) ● | -05:02:38 (.) ● | -05:09:38 (.) ● |
Transition | 00:00:00 | 00:00:00 | - | - | - | - | |
Run | 42.2 km | 11:11:55 | 11:11:55 | 15:56 min/km | +06:20:32 (289.) ● | +06:14:56 (1782.) ● | +06:12:37 (2427.) ● |
Total | 140.6 km | 11:11:55 | 11:11:55 | 20.21 km/h | -01:25:22 (59.) ● | -01:40:44 (302.) ● | -01:50:20 (362.) ● |

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