Team Team Fireball -
Ironman 70.3 Atlantic City 2019
Quick facts
MRELAYAge group
4069Bib number
50:44 | 1:29:47 | 5:58:15 | 6:56:13 |
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4069 Team Fireball
4027 Famillefenouillard ×
4002 #letsdothiss%*t ×
4038 Iron Assthletes ×
4009 Bbr Redux ×
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Discipline | Segment | Total Time | Time | Speed | Comp. to AG ? | to All ? |
Swim | 1.9 km | 00:50:44 | 00:50:44 | 02:40 min/100m | +06:48 (65.) ● | +07:02 (1646.) ● |
Transition | 00:57:58 | 00:07:14 | - | +00:50 (67.) ● | -01:10 (697.) ● | |
Bike | 15 km | 05:12:39 | 04:14:41 | 3.53 km/h | +03:43:08 (81.) ● | +03:45:49 (1980.) ● |
Bike | 29.4 km | 09:17:08 | 04:04:29 | 3.53 km/h | +03:33:25 (81.) ● | +03:37:37 (1980.) ● |
Bike | 46 km | 13:58:59 | 04:41:51 | 3.53 km/h | +04:05:55 (81.) ● | +04:09:21 (1980.) ● |
Bike | 60.4 km | 18:03:29 | 04:04:30 | 3.53 km/h | +03:34:25 (81.) ● | +03:37:01 (1980.) ● |
Bike | 77 km | 22:45:19 | 04:41:50 | 3.53 km/h | +04:04:26 (81.) ● | +04:07:46 (1980.) ● |
Bike | 90.1 km | 02:27:45 | 03:42:26 | 3.53 km/h | +03:14:26 (81.) ● | +03:16:44 (1980.) ● |
Bike | 90.1 km | 02:27:45 | 01:29:47 | 3.53 km/h | +10:15:45 (81.) ● | +10:34:18 (1980.) ● |
Transition | 00:57:58 | 00:00:00 | - | - | - | |
Run | 0.6 km | 01:08:09 | 00:00:00 | - | - | - |
Run | 2.4 km | 01:38:43 | 00:00:00 | - | - | - |
Run | 7 km | 02:56:49 | 00:00:00 | - | - | - |
Run | 9.2 km | 03:34:10 | 00:00:00 | - | - | - |
Run | 12 km | 04:21:43 | 00:00:00 | - | - | - |
Run | 17.3 km | 05:51:42 | 00:00:00 | - | - | - |
Run | 21.1 km | 06:56:13 | 00:00:00 | - | - | - |
Run | 21.1 km | 06:56:13 | 05:58:15 | 16:58 min/km | +03:48:44 (.) ● | +03:35:36 (.) ● |
Total | 113.1 km | 06:56:13 | 06:56:13 | 16.3 km/h | +37:03 (72.) ● | +37:46 (1549.) ● |

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