Statistics -
Ironman 70.3 Goa 2022
About the Competition
LocationGoa, India
Results - Men
# | Name | Time |
1 | Nihal Baig | 04:29:45 |
2 | Bishworjit Saikhom | 04:37:20 |
3 | Pankkaj Dhiman | 04:40:40 | more Results |
Results - Women
# | Name | Time |
1 | Catijn Schierbeek | 05:10:45 |
2 | Timtim Sharma | 05:23:21 |
3 | Ketaki Sathe | 05:46:50 | more results |
Athletes / Gender
Athletes / Finish
Athletes / Country
Country | Athletes |
India | 1122 |
United Arab Emirates | 10 |
United States of America | 7 |
United Kingdom | 6 |
Bangladesh | 6 |
Germany | 5 |
- | 5 |
Switzerland | 4 |
Japan | 4 |
Australia | 3 |
Czech Republic | 3 |
Singapore | 3 |
Kazakhstan | 3 |
Brazil | 2 |
Thailand | 1 |
Netherlands | 1 |
Russian Federation | 1 |
Egypt | 1 |
Canada | 1 |
Sri Lanka | 1 |
France | 1 |
South Africa | 1 |
Philippines | 1 |
Italy | 1 |
Luxembourg | 1 |
Athletes / Age Group
Age Group | Athletes |
M40-44 | 204 |
M35-39 | 198 |
M30-34 | 135 |
M45-49 | 133 |
M50-54 | 95 |
M25-29 | 90 |
MRELAY | 88 |
M18-24 | 45 |
MFRELAY | 38 |
M55-59 | 33 |
F45-49 | 25 |
FRELAY | 23 |
F35-39 | 16 |
F40-44 | 13 |
F25-29 | 11 |
F30-34 | 10 |
F18-24 | 7 |
M60-64 | 7 |
F50-54 | 7 |
M65-69 | 6 |
F55-59 | 5 |
MPC | 3 |
F60-64 | 1 |
F65-69 | 1 |
Athletes / Finishtime
Time | Athletes |
04:00 - 04:29 | 2 |
04:30 - 04:59 | 15 |
05:00 - 05:29 | 28 |
05:30 - 05:59 | 33 |
06:00 - 06:29 | 91 |
06:30 - 06:59 | 128 |
07:00 - 07:29 | 173 |
07:30 - 07:59 | 163 |
08:00 - 08:29 | 139 |
Average Times
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