Statistics -
Ironman 70.3 Gulf Coast 2023

  About the Competition


LocationPanama City Beach, Florida, USA



  Results - Men

# Name Time
1 Sam Long 03:36:00
2 Lionel Sanders 03:39:56
3 Jackson Laundry 03:42:23 more Results

  Results - Women

# Name Time
1 Kerry Girona 04:32:25
2 Hannah Walz 04:33:27
3 Flavia Meyer 04:38:02 more results

  Athletes / Gender


  Athletes / Finish


  Athletes / Country

Country Athletes
United States 1292
Canada 29
Brazil 12
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 11
Mexico 8
Honduras 6
Puerto Rico 6
Germany 4
South Africa 4
Chile 4
France 4
Argentina 4
United Kingdom 3
Guatemala 3
Ukraine 2
Peru 2
Cuba 2
Italy 2
Ireland 2
Ecuador 2
Costa Rica 2
Spain 2
India 1
China 1
Zimbabwe 1
Lithuania 1
Sweden 1
Uruguay 1
Uzbekistan 1
Belgium 1
Netherlands 1
Japan 1
Colombia 1
Finland 1
Egypt 1
Bermuda 1
Serbia 1
Portugal 1
Switzerland 1
Korea, Republic of 1
Iceland 1

  Athletes / Age Group

Age Group Athletes
M35-39 152
M40-44 137
M25-29 136
M30-34 121
M45-49 108
M50-54 108
M55-59 78
M18-24 63
F45-49 54
F40-44 52
M60-64 49
F25-29 48
F30-34 43
F35-39 41
F50-54 41
F55-59 33
M65-69 24
F18-24 19
F60-64 17
F65-69 9
M70-74 9
M80-84 2
M75-79 1

  Athletes / Finishtime

Time Athletes
03:30 - 03:59 10
04:00 - 04:29 29
04:30 - 04:59 87
05:00 - 05:29 159
05:30 - 05:59 222
06:00 - 06:29 221
06:30 - 06:59 242
07:00 - 07:29 144
07:30 - 07:59 97
08:00 - 08:29 45

  Average Times

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  Map - Panama City Beach, Florida, USA


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